
Sustainable Gorgeous Things for Your Home

I’ve sold antiques mainly to interior decorators for more than a decade, but it’s not been a public facing business for most of that time.

A small benefit of this year is that it has given me the opportunity to re-evaluate the way I run everything, and realise that it would be possible with a little work to offer my love of antiques to a wider audience!

With the exception of technology almost everything I have ever owned has been antique or second hand, and the sustainability of collecting things that were made well and have enduring beauty has always appealed strongly to me.

I feel more than ever it’s the right moment to consider our consumer habits and the effects they have on the wider environment, I know and love many manufacturers of new goods made to good quality all over the world, the sort of thing that’s always worth considering wanting to live with and love, a mix of antiques in addition also has the great benefit of bringing your carbon footprint down!

What already exists in the world is in a carbon sense neutral, you don’t add more carbon to the atmosphere extracting new materials to manufacture items that have a brief fashion moment in your home. It’s time interiors got sustainable, so buy with sustainability in mind!

Benedict Foley